Workshops + Classes
Learn to get buzzing with confidence
Born Ready: Preparing for Childbirth and Beyond
A comprehensive 2-day class led by Adele Callfas and Riley Baran, two compassionate doulas with a love of all things pregnancy, birth, and beyond. Included is a bonus half-day birth partner class.
Topics covered:
- Building your support team
- The physiology of birth
- What to expect during labour
- Common labour interventions
- Packing + supplies list
- What happens immediately after birth
- Inclusive infant feeding and more
In-Home Private Instruction
When privacy and personalized instruction are important, Adele offers customized classes designed specifically to answer your questions and to deal with any concerns you may have.
Example topics covered:
- Managing labour
- Vaginal birth after cesarean section
- Miscarriage support
- Newborn care basics: diapering, bathing and more
- Recognizing and overcoming breastfeeding challenges